What is coaching?!

Have you ever wondered what it is exactly that I do as a coach? How I am able to work full-time and build my business a couple hours each week?

Well, I am hosting a 3 day, ZERO OBLIGATION Facebook group and I will give you the good, the bad and the ugly!

Over 3 days, I will tell you what Beachbody Coaching is all about and what it means to be a Coach on the #1 team in the ENTIRE COMPANY!

We’ll be going over:

– What a coach ACTUALLY does

– How to earn $

– How to run a business on a daily basis

– What would be required of you (if you decide this is for you!)

– And answering ALL of your questions!
ANYONE can do this business & BE SUCCESSFUL!

If I can do this while working full time, you can too!!

I have also met the most amazing group of people; all while keeping my goals in check, it’s a win win for everyone!

Group kicks off Wednesday, September 23rd! Message me or comment below for more information!


Free Giveaway…


The 21 day fix and Shakeology have helped me so much (on my fifth round – down 35 lbs and over 20 inches!), I am ready to pay it forward! I am giving away a copy of the fixate cookbook to anyone who purchases the 21 DAY FIX challenge pack or CIZE challenge pack! Autumn has taken the guessing out for all of us!!!
You will also get ME as your coach and I will give you all the tips to keep you on track to a better healthier you, so what do you say?! Message me today!! We have accountability groups kicking off August 17, BUT the offer is good until August 31, 2015!

Enter Beachbody…

Every October, I always knew I had that summer beach vacation coming up, so I would start to eat healthy and use the elliptical daily.  It worked great for the time being, but once vacation was over; I would fall back into my old habits for a few months, which is not ideal for everyday life so something had to give!

My cousin had been using Beachbody products for a few months and asked me if I would like to give it a try; I was such a skeptic of Beachbody and home workout programs, so I kept turning her down.  After she had completed her first round, she shared her results with me, I was AMAZED and thought you know if I put my mind to it I can do anything, just like the elliptical and healthy eating!  So I finally stopped making every excuse in the world in October 2014, and I said yes to the 21 day fix and Shakeology!

I received my package in November and they had a new accountability group starting on November 10, so it was perfect timing! The accountability group had a “prep” week then three weeks of the fix. They gave me all of the information I needed to know in prep week, but I was one that “thought” I could do it on my own, I don’t need some group to help me, so I NEVER participated in my first ever fix accountability group. I only prepped like 2 days at a time, seriously wanted to give up the first week but I was already starting to feel better and my clothes fit different, so I just kept pushing!  On day 11, it happened to be Thanksgiving and I thought oh my goodness, I did all of this hard work leading up until now, how am I going to make it through the day?!  Well, they have things called cheat meals, and that is exactly what I did with Thanksgiving dinner.  I enjoyed every minute of it, even had some Pumpkin pie but I knew I had to get back to business the next day!  I have learned one cheat meal a week IS NOT going to make or break you!!  Day 21 came so quickly and I lost several inches and a total of 10 lbs since November 10!

One thing I did learn, this accountability group IS NOT there to judge you, it is there to help you and lead you in the right direction.  FOLLOW ALONG as much as you can during “prep week”, there is a lot of information given that week, but it is all for you to be successful.  Interact with the group and ask any questions you may have because someone will have your answer!  When they post meal plans, USE THEM and adjust it according your calorie level!  This accountability group made the world of difference for me and I am currently co-leading my first one ever, having a blast doing it!

I have fallen in the love with the products so much, I just keep rolling rounds, I am currently on my fifth round, down 35 pounds and have lost over 20 inches.

I feel better than ever and honestly couldn’t imagine where I would be today without the 21 day fix and Shakeology!  Beachbody has helped me so much, I’m ready to pay it forward…contact me today!!!  There is even a special surprise during the month of August 2015, so do not delay!!!